Three wheels, two pedals, one handlebar and off you go. The first own tricycle promotes the independence of the little riders. In a playful way, they expand their coordination of arm and leg movements.
If the steering doesn't work yet or if the legs are tired, the grown-ups can help a little with the handlebars. We offer tricycles with pneumatic or plastic tyres.
Hey, you! Are you looking for the perfect tricycle for your child? Then you've come to the right place here in the KETTLERShop! Our high-quality tricycles not only offer hours of fun, but are also a great way to develop your child's motor skills and balance.
Why should you choose a KETTLER tricycle? Here are some of the general advantages that our tricycles offer:
Safety first:
At KETTLER, your child's safety is our top priority. Our tricycles are equipped with robust frames and high-quality materials to ensure maximum stability and safety. So you can accompany your child while playing without any worries.
Adjustability for all ages:
Our tricycles are designed to grow with your child. With adjustable seats and handlebars, they can be adapted to the size and developmental stage of your child. This way, your child can use their tricycle for several years and experience new adventures again and again.
Comfort and fun:
Thanks to the ergonomic design, our tricycles offer maximum comfort while riding. The wide, grippy tyres ensure a smooth ride on different surfaces, whether on the road, the pavement or in the park. This makes riding an absolute pleasure for your child.
Durability and quality:
KETTLER is known for its outstanding quality. Our tricycles are manufactured with attention to detail and using high-quality materials. This means that you can be sure of getting a durable product that will provide many years of enjoyment.
When it comes to tricycles, trust KETTLER. We not only offer a wide range of models and colours, but also convincing quality that you can rely on. Take a look at our diverse collection and find the perfect tricycle for your child.
Order your KETTLER tricycle now and give your child unforgettable hours of play and a healthy development!